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Off for Summer Wellness Sale
Power boards concentrate all the electrical parts of the infrared sauna in one brain. This devices oversees and distributes power to the electrical parts.

Usually a power board contains several sockets, a box and all connected to a flexible cable. It is designed to manage multiple outgoing currents towards other devices such as heaters, lights etc.

Power boards are simple and multifunctional, but may need replacing time from time. Especially if you want to replace the board with something more capable as an upgrade, you can find a suitable replacement here.

Power boards are compatible with most electrical devices, ideally you want one to power all of your infrared sauna. It is entirely mechanical and does not need any electronic overview.

Devices are plugged into it and it is plugged into the power supply source. Sometimes they include a power breaker, fuses and it then it protects from power surges or poor quality energy supply. New models are power efficient, so you want one of those.

We hope you find something suitable for you. If you’re not sure or if your power power board needs repair or replacement parts, use the troubleshooting form.
Off for Summer Wellness Sale
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